· President Kanyolo sacked
· 24 hours - ultimatum given or else…
· Bishop remits 500,000/= to each
First year’s students of Tumaini University Iringa college have forced the president of Tumaini University Student Organization, John J. Kanyolo to resign from presidential seat for failure to organize his government.
Speaking on behalf of BAED students soon after returning from Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU) in Dar es Salaam yesterday, Mr. Assenga who is the class representative of BAED said the president has lost ruling legitimacy for cheating.
“We expected the president to work on student’s determination but wonderful enough our president has betrayed us by cheating that our course has been registered by TCU since August 2010 while the report from the acting Executive Secretary of TCU Prof. Sifuni Mchome denounced the claims by saying that TCU received the application letter from TU-IUCo only two weeks ago,” said Asenga.
“Due to this circumstance we have lost hope on TUSO-IUCo president and university administration because of cheating us,” reacted Eliminatha Emmanuel, the class representative of BAED.
There has been misunderstanding between the Administration of the University and BAED students due to failure to register BAED programme. According to the letter issued by TCU with reference no. TCU/A.40/4.2/vol.4/24 dated 27th January 2011, the commission does not recognize the new course introduced at Tumaini University Iringa College as a result students admitted to the programme can not access loans from the Higher Education Students Loans Board.
In effort to solve the matter, the IUCo administration sent a special team to Dar es Salaam to accomplish the remaining requirements for the registration of the course. The team involved the Provost, Prof. Nicholas Bangu, the Dean Faculty of Theology, Rev. Peter Fue (representing the DPAA) and the Admissions Officer, Meleckzedeck Nduye.
The team submitted a document explaining that the BAED programme had been approved by Tumaini Universities Senate and validated by TCU and further that a letter to that effect dated 11th October 2010 with reference TU/IUCO/C.2/3/VOL.V/110 had been sent to TCU but was not registered and that there was no official feedback to the university. The team admitted that they erred by assuming that there was no response which was tantamount to no objection and hence started the programme. The team called for forgiveness and compassion to the College.
Speaking to BAED students on 6th February 2011, the chairperson of Tumaini University Board Bishop Dr. Owdenburg Mdegella committed himself to give them 2m/= each for tuition fees, meal and accommodation per year as loans and encouraged them to keep on studying because their problem is being solved. Nevertheless, speculations show that each BAED student has already received 500,000/= for meals and accommodation as per Bishop’s promise.
On 7th Monday BAED students visited to TCU and realized that their course will not be registered for 2010/2011 academic year because the university delayed to submit the new course registration application and gave them three options as following: to postpone the studies up to next academic year or to be transferred to Tumaini sister’scolleges or to go back to their admitted progrmmes.
Meanwhile, the students have demanded to speak with Bishop Mdegella as a chairman of the university board or the Provost of Tumaini University Iringa. Up to this moment no option has been taken by the students and they have given a 24 hour - ultimatum to see the Provost or else the next step will follow.